Laughing Through History: 10 Ridiculous Laws That Still Exist

Laws are the backbone of society, guiding our behavior and maintaining order. They ensure that we don’t run amok, creating chaos and confusion. However, every now and then, you stumble upon a law that makes you scratch your head and chuckle at the absurdity of it all. Imagine a world where moose can’t enjoy a leisurely stroll on the sidewalk or where chickens are legally bound to one side of the road. Yes, these laws exist, and they make you wonder about the backstory and the colorful characters who thought them necessary. Buckle up, because we’re about to take a hilarious journey through ten ridiculous laws that are still, unbelievably, in effect today. If you enjoy this whimsical ride, don’t forget to check out our last blog post about bringing nature indoors with some Bored Panda-approved plants here.


  1. Alaska: No Moose on the Sidewalk In Fairbanks, Alaska, it’s illegal to give a moose an alcoholic beverage. As if that wasn’t peculiar enough, moose are also banned from walking on sidewalks. It seems the city planners wanted to ensure pedestrians didn’t have to dodge tipsy moose on their morning commutes.
  2. Arizona: Don’t Let Your Donkey Sleep in the Bathtub Over in Arizona, there’s a law that prevents donkeys from sleeping in bathtubs. This law originated in the 1920s after a local merchant’s donkey slept in a bathtub and was washed away during a flood. The town had to spend a significant amount of resources to rescue the animal, prompting the unusual legislation.

  3. Georgia: No Chicken Crossing the Road In Quitman, Georgia, it’s illegal for chickens to cross the road. The lawmakers must have had enough of the age-old joke and decided to take serious measures. Poor chickens, always the butt of jokes and now legally confined to one side of the street!
  4. Oregon: No Whistling Underwater In Portland, Oregon, there’s a law that prohibits whistling underwater. This might make you wonder what kind of aquatic symphony led to such legislation. Perhaps it was a particularly annoying underwater whistler that drove the authorities to their wit’s end.
  5. Vermont: Women Must Obtain Permission to Wear False Teeth If you’re a woman in Vermont, you’ll need your husband’s approval before getting false teeth. This law harks back to a time when marital authority was taken very seriously. Thankfully, modern dentistry and social norms have evolved, even if the law hasn’t.
  6. Minnesota: No Greasing Pig Contests In Minnesota, it’s illegal to hold greased pig contests. This law was probably created to save pigs from the embarrassment and indignity of being slippery escape artists at fairs and events.
  7. New Jersey: No Slurping Soup In New Jersey, it’s against the law to slurp your soup. While this might make for quieter dining rooms, one has to wonder how many loud soup slurpers led to such a rule. Slurp-free zones, anyone?
  8. Ohio: No Getting Fish Drunk In Ohio, it’s illegal to get a fish drunk. The origins of this law are unclear, but it’s safe to say that someone, somewhere, had a little too much time and alcohol on their hands, and a very bored fish.
  9. New York: Jumping Off a Building is Punishable by Death In New York, the act of jumping off a building is punishable by death. This bizarre law seems to miss the point entirely, as anyone attempting to jump from a building is already risking fatal consequences.
  10. Texas: You Must Give Oral or Written Notice Before Committing a Crime In Texas, it’s required to give 24 hours’ notice before committing a crime. This can be either written or oral. Imagine the absurdity of a would-be thief notifying the local sheriff of their intentions! “Excuse me, I’ll be robbing the bank tomorrow at noon, just a heads-up.”

These laws remind us that the legal system can be as quirky as it is serious. While many of these rules are remnants of bygone eras, they provide a good laugh and a glimpse into the peculiar history of lawmaking. Next time you encounter a strange law, just remember: someone, somewhere, thought it was a good idea at the time!

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