Privacy Policy

Welcome to’s Privacy Wonderland! Here, we value your privacy as much as we love pandas. Below, you’ll find all the information about how we collect, use, and protect your data.

Who We Are: is not just a website; it’s a digital sanctuary crafted for panda enthusiasts and lovers of joy-infused content. Our cyber den, located at, is where the magic happens. We’re a passionate team of panda aficionados committed to curating and creating content that sparks joy, laughter, and a dash of curiosity.

Imagine a place where the mundane takes a backseat, and the extraordinary takes the wheel. That’s us! Our mission is to transform the everyday into the pandalicious, making your online journey a delightful adventure.


When you leave a comment on our site, we collect data shown in the comments form, your IP address, and browser user agent string to prevent spam. An anonymized hash created from your email address may be provided to the Gravatar service, visible to the public after comment approval. Check out the Gravatar service privacy policy for more details.


Avoid uploading images with embedded location data (EXIF GPS). Visitors can download and extract location data from images on the website.


If you leave a comment, you may opt-in to save your name, email, and website in cookies. These last for one year. A temporary cookie is set on our login page to check if your browser accepts cookies, with no personal data, discarded when you close your browser.

Login cookies save your login information and screen display choices. Login cookies last two days, screen options cookies last a year. Selecting “Remember Me” keeps your login for two weeks. Logging out removes login cookies.

Embedded Content from Other Websites:

Embedded content behaves like visitors have visited the other website. These websites may collect data, use cookies, embed third-party tracking, and monitor interaction, including tracking if you have an account and are logged in.

How Long We Retain Your Data:

Comments and metadata are retained indefinitely for follow-up approval. Registered users’ personal information is stored unless they request deletion.

Your Rights Over Your Data:

If you have an account or left comments, request an exported file of your personal data or ask for data erasure. Administrative, legal, or security obligations may prevent complete erasure.


For any privacy concerns or inquiries, please reach out to us at

Stay Pandaliciously Private,

The Team🐼